Kadi Kalm (Mägi) M.Sc., Ph.D.

Albertov 6, Praha 2 - Nové Město, 128 43
Faculty of Science
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
Room 365
Before joining the URRlab team as a postdoctoral researcher, Kadi Kalm worked as a researcher in the Department of Geography at University of Tartu with a background in human geography and regional planning. She defended her PhD thesis in 2018 and her PhD research focused on ethnic residential segregation and integration of the Russian-speaking population in Estonia. In general, her research has focused on spatial inequalities, domains of inter-ethnic contacts, trajectories of panel housing estates, ethnic identity and integration. Much of her work examines the mobility of immigrant population and changes in residential segregation in urban regions. She is mainly using census and register data and different statistical techniques for the analysis. She has previously worked as a visiting researcher at Delft University of Technology (in DEPRIVEDHOODS project). She holds a post-doc position in URRlab team until April 2021. The aim of her post-doctoral project is to uncover various development trajectories of housing estates and to compare the trajectories of housing estates in Estonia with the trajectories of housing estates in the Czech Republic. In addition, this research aims to understand the role of housing estates for new international immigrants.
2013–2018 University of Tartu, Human Geography and Regional Planning, PhD studies
2011–2013 University of Tartu, Human Geography and Regional Planning, MSc studies
2008–2011 University of Tartu, Geography, BSc studies
Academic degrees
Kadi Mägi, Doctor’s Degree, 2018, (sup) Kadri Leetmaa, Ethnic residential segregation and integration of the Russian-speaking population in Estonia, University of Tartu, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences.
Kadi Mägi, Master’s Degree, 2013, (sup) Kadri Leetmaa, Elukohasegregatsiooni mõju rahvusrühmade rände sihtkohtadele: perioodil 2000-2010 toimunud Tallinnast väljarände näitel (The impact of residential segregation on migration destinations: the case of outmigration from Tallinn in the period 1989-2000), University of Tartu, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, Tartu University, Department of Geography.
Mägi, K., van Ham, M., Leetmaa, K. and Tammaru, T. (2020). The neighbourhood context and changes in self-reported ethnic identity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(1): 277–296, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1547634
Kalm, K. (2019). Annelinna elanikkond muutumises [The changing population of Annelinn]. In: Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 100. aastapäeval, 2015–232. Taavi Pae, Ülo Mander (eds.). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus
Mägi, K. (2019). Venekeelse elanikkonna elukoha segregatsioon ja integratsioon Eestis [Ethnic residential segregation and integration of the Russian-speaking population in Estonia]. In: Eesti Geograafia Seltsi Aastaraamat, 177–196. Arvo Järvet (ed.). Tallinn: Eesti Geograafia Selts.
Leetmaa, K., Holvandus, J., Mägi, K. and Kährik, A. (2018). Population Shifts and Urban Policies in Housing Estates of Tallinn, Estonia. In: Housing Estates in Europe: Poverty, Ethnic Segregation, and Policy Challenges, 389–412. Hess, D.B., Tammaru, T., and van Ham, M. (eds.) Springer.
Mägi, K., Leetmaa, K., Tammaru, T. and van Ham, M. (2016). Types of spatial mobility and change in people’s ethnic residential contexts. Demographic Research, 34(41): 1161–1192.
Tammaru, T., Kährik, A., Mägi, K., Novák, J. and Leetmaa, K. (2016). The ‘market experiment’: Increasing socio-economic segregation in the inherited bi-ethnic context of Tallinn. In: Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities. East meets West, 333–357. Tammaru, T., Marcińczak, S., van Ham, M. and Musterd, S. (eds.) London and New York: Routledge.
Leetmaa, K., Mägi, K., Holvandus, J., Varblane, U., and Tõnnisson, K. (2016). The Past, Present, and Future of a Post-Soviet Panel Housing District: The Case of Annelinn, Tartu, Estonia. RAKE final report. Tartu: University of Tartu.