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Selection of a new place of residence of inhabitants of the Prague metropolitan region


Grantová agentura Univerzity Karlovy

Project duration

2018 - 2020

Project team leader

Marie Sýkora Horňáková


The project focuses on the topics of residential mobility, residential preferences and the way they are being shaped.

  • In recent years, we can observe slight changes in this area. In addition to the still significant suburbanization process, reurbanization tendencies are also beginning to emerge and socialist housing estates are also gaining young families. In order to fully understand these tendencies, the project studies the process of selecting a new home in three different types of areas of the Prague metropolitan region (inner city, housing estate, and suburb). The main objective of the project is to find out what are the differences in residential preferences and the process of selecting a new home between residents living in the inner city, suburb and housing estate.

  • The aim is to identify and explain the links between the type and location of the residential development and the characteristics of the population (in terms of socio-economic and demographic status, lifestyle, values, etc.). The research is focused on young families. The significance of the topic studied is justified by the necessity of reflecting the needs, requirements and ideas of people in urban planning (e.g., in connection with the current stress on the densification of the city).

  • HORŇÁKOVÁ, M., SÝKORA, J. (2021): From suburbanization to reurbanization? Changing residential mobility flows of families with young children in the Prague Metropolitan Area. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography, 75, 4, 203-220.

    HORŇÁKOVÁ, M., JÍCHOVÁ, J. (2021): Sdílené prostory a sousedská blízkost jako důvody pro výběr nového bydlení. Geografické rozhledy, 30, 4, 10–13.

    HORŇÁKOVÁ, M., JÍCHOVÁ, J. (2020): Deciding where to live: case study of cohousing-inspired residential project in Prague. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35, 807-827.

  • 25.-29. 9. 2019, Belgrad, Serbia: CAT-ference 2019: 8th International Urban Geographies of Post-communist States Conference, paper: Residential mobility of young families in the Prague Metropolitan Area. (Marie Horňáková, Jan Sýkora).

    13.-14. 9. 2019, Brno, CZ, International Student and Early Career Conference New Wave, paper: Residential mobility of young families in the Prague Metropolitan Area. (Marie Horňáková, Jan Sýkora)

    28.-30. 8. 2019, Athens, Greece, ENHR Conference: Housing for the next European social model, paper: Residential mobility of young families in the Prague Metropolitan Area. (Marie Horňáková, Jan Sýkora)

    25.-26. 10. 2018, RSA Student and Early Carreer Conference in Brighton (UK): Strategies for Career Success: Networking, Publishing and Funding, paper: Selecting a new place of residence: Cohousing as a pull factor? (Marie Horňáková)

    4.-8. 9. 2018, Bratislava, SR; 17. kongres Slovenskej geografickej spoločnosti/24. sjezd České geografické společnosti: Geografia na vzostupe? paper: Selecting a new place of residence: Cohousing as a pull factor? (Marie Horňáková)

    26.-29. 6. 2018, ENHR Conference in Uppsala: More together, more apart: Migration, densification, segregation. New Housing Research Colloquium, paper: Selecting a new place of residence: Cohousing as a pull factor? (Marie Horňáková)


Urban and Regional Laboratory

Department of Social Geography
& Regional Development

Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Science

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128 43 Praha 2 - Nové Město

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Jiří Nemeškal
211 951 972

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