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Foreigners’ mobility in Czechia and their role in shaping social environment of Czech cities


Grantová agentura Univerzity Karlovy

Project duration

2016 - 2017

Project team leader

Ivana Křížková


Czechia has become a country of immigration, and due to the ongoing refugee crisis, the topic of migration and foreigners comes to the fore of public debate. However, there still remains a need to discern patterns of spatial movement and foreigners´ distribution in municipalities and notably in cities, which are usually the most attractive for foreign population. To date, little work has also been carried out on understanding the role of foreigners in shaping social environment of urban locales. The project aims to fill in these gaps in research on foreigners´ mobility and their role in forming local social environment.

  • The project first concentrates on evaluation of foreigners´ localization in municipalities, especially cities, and socio-spatial differentiation of Czechia. Then it analyses migration of foreigners in Prague. Finally it seeks to find out how presence and activities of foreign population shape local social environment in locales with a high share of foreigners. Analysis of secondary data will be complemented by field research including interviews and questionnaire surveys.

    The project is divided into six basic phases. The first year will be dedicated to study of literatury and analysis of spatial patterns of distribution of foreigners and their migration in Prague. The localities for case studies will be chosen and pilot phase of the research will be realized. The second year of investigation will consist in deeper understanding of foreign citizens´ migration in Prague and in implementation of the field work in the selected areas with high share of foreigners.

  • Foreigners´distribution in Czech municipalities with an emphasis on urban settlements 

    Apart from the spatial distribution of foreign countries´citizens, the research will also deal with diversity of immigrant population by citizenship, socio-economic and demographic indicators. Outcomes of the quantitatively-oriented study will serve as a basis for subsequent evaluation of immigrant population´s influence on socio-spatial differentiation of municipalities with a special focus on metropolitan areas.

    Spatial patterns of foreigners´migration in the capital city of Prague and its determinants

    This strand of research will be based on quantitative analysis. The main data source will be registers of migration in detail of basic settlement units, which have not yet been used in research of foreigners´ spatial mobility (except by the project research team members).

    Presence of foreign population and local social environment

    In the last phase of the project, we will conduct field research in selected localities with significant share of foreign residents. The case studies will focus on the role of foreigners in the local communities and their identification with the locale of current residence.

  • Papers:

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., HASMAN, J. (2017): Immigrant groups and the local environment: socio-spatial differentiation in Czech metropolitan areas. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography (online).

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2017): Role zahraniční migrace v měnící se sociálně-prostorové diferenciaci Prahy [The Role of Foreign Migration in Changing Socio-Spatial Differentiation of Prague]. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 52 (5): 659-692. 

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., KLSÁK, A. (2019): Cizinci v našem sousedství: důvod k obavám? [Foreigners in our neigborhood: cause of concern?] Geografické rozhledy, 28, 3, pp. 34-37.

    Specialised maps:

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., KLSÁK, A. (2016): Rozmístění cizinců v Praze: vývoj a současnost [Spatial distribution of foreigners in Prague: the development and the present state]. Charles University, Faculty of Science.


    KLSÁK, A. (2017): Foreigners within Karlovy Vary urban region: spatial distribution and influences on local environment. Diploma thesis. Charles University, Faculty of Science, Prague, 129 pp.

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I. (2017): Migrace, cizinci a město: sociálně-prostorová diferenciace a lokální sociální prostředí. Disertační práce. Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Praha, 71 s. 

    Conference papers:

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I. (2017): Jak (ne)viditelnost migrantů utváří městské prostředí? Postřehy z tradiční a nové imigrační země [How does (in)visitbility of migrants shape urban environment? Insights from an established and a new immigration country]. 6th urban studies conference “(Ne)viditelná města” [(In)visible cities]. Brno, Czechia, 24.-25. 11. 2017.

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., ŠIMON, M., KLSÁK, A. (2017): Foreign citizens´ segregation in Czechia: a new evidence. The 7th International Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States Conference (CAT-ference): A view on cities from elsewhere. Kyiv and Dnipro, Ukraine, 26.-29. 9. 2017.

    KLSÁK, A. (2017): Cizinci v městském regionu Karlových Varů: nositelé změn? [Foreigners in the Karlovy Vary city region: the bearers of change?] Workshop of PhD candidates: Geography of Change. Brno, Czechia, 15. 9. 2017.

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., ŠIMON, M. (2017): Residential segregation in and beyond capital cities: an evidence from low in-migration context (Czechia). 7th Nordic Geographers Meeting: Geographies of Inequalities. Stockholm, Sweden, 18.-21. 6. 2017.

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I. (2017): A comparative perspective on immigrants’ impact on and perceived belonging to neighbourhoods: the UK and Czechia. 3rd Postgraduate Conference on Migration ‘Understanding Migration: States of (Un)Belonging’. Sheffield, UK, 16. 6. 2017.  

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2016): Differential impact of economic crisis on various groups of international migrants in Prague. 10th European Urban and Regional Studies Conference: Europe, Crisis and Uneven Development. Chania, Greece, 14.-16. 9. 2016.

    KLSÁK, A. (2016): Cizinci v městském regionu Karlových Varů a jejich působení na lokální prostorové struktury [Foreigners in the urban region of Karlovy Vary and their influence on local spatial structures]. Annual conference of the Czech Geographic Society: Geographical thinking as a current societal challenge. České Budějovice, Czechia, 5.-7. 9. 2016.

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., HASMAN, J. (2016): Cizinci v českých metropolitních areálech: prostorové vzorce a podmíněnosti [Foreigners in the Czech metropolitan areas: spatial patterns and determinants]. Annual conference of the Czech Geographic Society: Geographical thinking as a current societal challenge. České Budějovice, Czechia, 5.-7. 9. 2016.

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., HASMAN, J. (2016): The New Socio-Spatial Differentiation of the Czech Metropolitan Areas: What is the Role of International Migration? European Sociological Association Research Network 37 – Urban Sociology, Midterm Conference Moving Cities: Contested Views on Urban Life. Krakov, Poland, 29. 6.-1. 7. 2016.

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I., OUŘEDNÍČEK, M. (2016): Role zahraniční migrace v měnící se sociálně-prostorové diferenciaci Prahy [The role of international migration in the changing socio-spatial differentiation of Prague]. XLVI. conference of the Czech Demographic Society – Migration and demographic challenges. Jindřichův Hradec, Czechia, 26.-27. 5. 2016.

    PŘIDALOVÁ, I. (2016): Ethnic Segregation in Contemporary Czechia: The Challenge and the Evidence. 8th International Student and Early Career Conference NEW WAVE. Prague, Czechia, 19.-20. 5. 2016.


Urban and Regional Laboratory

Department of Social Geography
& Regional Development

Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Science

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