Adela Petrovic M.Sc. et M.A.

Albertov 6, Praha 2 - Nové Město, 128 43. Room 365
by appointment
Přírodovědecká fakulta
katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje
Legerova 5, místnost 325
or Adél Petrovic
MA 4CITIES Erasmus Mundus Master in Urban Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE), Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE), University of Vienna (AT), University of Copenhagen (DK), Complutense University of Madrid (ES) and Autonomous University of Madrid (EC), (2018). Master thesis: Displacement without placement – Street prostitution’s deracination from gentrifying neighborhoods .
M.Sc. CoDe Erasmus Mundus Master in Comparative Local Development at University of Trento (IT), University of Ljubljana (SLO), Corvinus University of Budapest (HU) and University of Regensburg (DE), (2016). Master thesis: Clusters in Serbia – The role of Cluster Managers in building Social Capital.
BSc. Political Science at Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies in Novi Sad, Singidunum University (RS), (2013).
Awards, nominations and grants:
- IOCB Tech Foundation Scholarship in collab. w/ Faculty of Science (Charles University) (2024)
- Extraordinary scholarship of Professor Miroslav Vlček (2023)
- Student Ambassador of Charles University (2022)
- Charles University Grant Agency – GAUK (2021-2023)
- STARS scholarship from the Faculty of Science (Charles University) (2020-2024)
- Young Leader nominee Student Union of the University of Novi Sad (2020-)
- Scholarship from the University of Vienna (Erasmus +) (2017-2018)
- Short-term research grant (KWA) from the University of Vienna (2018)
- Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (2017-2018)
- Dositeja Scholarships of Foundation for Young Talents (Republic of Serbia) (2016-2018)
Project Team Leader
Project Participant
Web of Science and Scopus
Expert articles
Popularization articles
- Gentrification
- Urban transformation processes
- Urban Governance
Supervised bachelor’s theses
Šrámek, V. (2023): Influence of large-scale urban projects on neighbourhood transformation: the case of Nový Smíchov and Smíchovské train station. -
3-9.6.2024, in Málaga (ESP), INURA 32nd Conference ‘[Un]Attractive City: Breaking the spell of space exploitation’. Research project: Gentrification and understanding intersections of neighborhood change, marginalization and racism.
7-9.7.2023, in Zurich (CH), SHCONF 6th World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Research project: Urban transformation: manifold and multifaceted processes in formerly working-class neighborhoods of Prague.
29.5-4.6.2023, in Zurich (CH), INURA 31st Conference ‘Right to the Planet. Reconsidering the Urban Question’. Research project: Urban transformation: manifold and multifaceted processes in formerly working-class neighborhoods of Prague.
30.8-2.9.2022, in Barcelona (ESP), ENHR ‘The struggle for the right to housing. The pressures of globalization and affordability in cities today’. Research project: Gentrification as rejuvenation of consumption, but also its population?.
25-29.7.2022, in Tartu (EE), AESOP 2022 Congress ‘Space for Species: Redefining Spatial Justice’. Research project: Urban transformation: manifold and multifaceted processes in formerly working-class neighborhoods of Prague.
27.6-1.7.2022, in Budapest (HU), CATference. Research project: Changes in the socio-demographic composition and potential gentrification in formerly working-class neighborhoods of Prague (together with doc. Martin Ouředníček).
4-6.11.2021, in Prague (CZ), Urban Movements and Local Politics in CEE Countries: Recent Developments and Conceptual Ambivalences. Research project: From a former industrial neighborhood to a creative-class oasis: A case study of Karlín, the inner-city neighborhood of Prague. Presentation (together with Greta Kukeli).
9-11.09.2021, in Novi Sad (RS), 5th Serbian Congress of Geographers, Research project: From a former industrial neighborhood to a creative class oasis: A case study of Karlín, the inner-city neighborhood of Prague. Presentation (together with Greta Kukeli).
14-16.07.2021, in Antwerp (BE), RC21 Conference on Sensing the City, Research project: From a former industrial neighborhood to a creative class oasis: A case study of Karlín, the inner-city neighborhood of Prague. Presentation (together with Greta Kukeli).
28.06-01.07.2021, in Prague (CZ), 8th EUGEO Congress on the Geography of Europe, Research project: Suburban bubbles: gated communities in Prague Urban Region . Presentation.
8-10.09.2020, in Plzen (CZ), Annual Conference of the Czech Geographical Society 2020, Research project: Gated Communities in Prague Urban Region: Location and Positionality on Different Scale . Presentation.
23-24.09.2019, in Bamberg (DE), Conference on Serbian‐Bavarian Higher Education, organized by University of Bamberg, Research project: The role of Social Capital in the Technology Transfer- Case study on Serbian Clusters and Cluster Management practices in Serbia . Presentation.
7-12.09.2015, in Budapest (HU), Erasmus+ Conference on Tradition, Innovation and Reform in Local Development, organized by Corvinus University of Budapest, Project work: Clusters in Serbia- The role of Cluster Managers in building Social Capital . Presentation.
Guest lecture:
- Since 2021, University of Ottawa, GEG 3301 Selected Topics in Human Geography: Gentrification and Urban Redevelopment, the topic of the lecture: Gender and Gentrification, the title of the lecture:
- Displacement without placement – Street prostitution’s deracination from gentrifying neighbourhoods
- In 2024, University of Zurich, GEO 422 Urban Geography: Research and Methods, the topic of the lectures:
- Research methods: Mental maps
- Qualitative data analysis: Interview transcripts
Shortlisted extracurricular activities:
23.11.2020 – 27.11.2020: Urban Health Case Challenge, UCPH & Gehl Architects (DK) | Participant
06.07.2019 – 13.07.2019: International Social Design Summer School (AT) | Participant
03.02.2015 – 01.09.2016: Ecopanonia renewable energy resource cluster (RS) | External Associate
28.11.2014 – 30.11.2014: Startup and Social Innovation Seminar (IT) | Participant
14.10.2014 – 20.11.2014: Seminar in Environmental Sociology (IT) | Participant
04.02.2013 – 04.05.2013: Network for Innovative Development (RS) | Volunteer
24.11.2012-16.03.2013: Seminar on Intercultural Understanding, Human Rights and Reconciliation, part of the project ‘Build Bridges, not Walls: The Role of University in Peace-Building’ (RS & BIH) | Participant
Work experiences:
01.01.2020 – present. Internationalisation Coordinator, Geographical Institute, CU (Prague).
01.09.2019 – present. Researcher & Lecturer, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, CU (Prague).
13.06.2016. until 15.07.2016. Trainee, Committee on Regional Development (EP), Brussels (BE).
01.02 – 30.04.2016, Intern, Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik, Regensburg (DE).
01.07.2013 – 31.08.2014, Project Manager Assistant, Regional Agency for Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Alma Mons, Novi Sad (RS).
01.10.2013 – 31.08.2014, Project Coordinator, European Youth Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad (RS).
- Since 2021, University of Ottawa, GEG 3301 Selected Topics in Human Geography: Gentrification and Urban Redevelopment, the topic of the lecture: Gender and Gentrification, the title of the lecture:
RC21 – Research Committee on Urban and Regional Development
INURA – International Network for Urban Research and Action