RNDr. Jiří–Jakub Zévl

Albertov 6, Praha 2 - Nové Město, 128 43
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
Albertov 6
128 43 Prague 2
Room 365
MSc. – Social geography and regional development, PřF UK (2019)
Erasmus+ in University of Sheffield, UK (2018)BSc. – Geography and cartography, PřF UK (2017)
Erasmus+ in Université Paris-IV Sorbonne, France (2016)
Bachelor+ advanced study program -
Project Team Leader
Project Participant
Web of Science and Scopus
Popularization articles
Centres and areas of tangential commuting in the Prague Metropolitan Area. Poster. 15th conference of young demographers. Charels University, Prague.2023:
Interurban mobility: eurythmic relation among three major aglomerations of Czechia. IGU thematic conference “Urban Transformations: Toward Resilient Cities,” Mexico city, Mexico.
Centres and areas of tangential commuting in the Prague Metropolitan Area. CATference, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia & PCT conference, Czech Technical University, Prague.2022:
Meziměstská mobilita: eurytmické vztahy mezi třemi hlavními aglomeracemi Česka (Inter-urban mobility: eurythimc relations between three major agglomeations of Czechia). XXV. Kongres České geografické společnosti, Olomouc.
Výzkum časo-prostorové strukturace pražské metropolitní oblasti za využití dat z mobilních telefonů (Research of time-space structuration of Prague Metropolitan Area using mobile phone data). Člověk, stavba a územní plánování, ČVÚT, Praha.2018:
Commuting patterns in Prague Metropolitan Area. Mobile Tartu conference, University of Tartu, Tartu. -
Université Paris IV.-Sorbonne (2016)
University of Sheffield (2018)
Universidad de Chile (2024)
Member of the Czech Geographical Society (2020+)