RNDr. Martin Šimon Ph.D.

Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague
department of Social Geography and Regional Development
Martin Šimon is a geographer with research interests in population mobilities and inequalities. His research include projects on demographic change, homelessness, elections, crime and social exclusion. In 2019, he was the recipient of the Otto Wichterle Award, for outstanding early career research. Martin Šimon is principal investigator of the Czech Science Foundation grant Residential segregation and mobility of foreign citizens and has published in leading international journals including Cities, Geo Journal and Sociologia Ruralis. Martin Šimon is a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and researcher of Urban and Regional Laboratory at Charles University.
BSc – Geography and cartography, Faculty of Science, Charles University [2006]
MSc – Social geography and regional development, Faculty of Science, Charles University [2008]
Ph.D. – General issues in geography, Faculty of Science, Charles University [2012]
Project Team Leader
Project Participant
2018 – Institute of Criminology, The Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Israel, June
2018 – The Centre of Sociological Research (CeSO), The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven , Belgium, February-April
2017 – School of Geography & Sustainable Development, The Universtiy of St Andrews , Scotland, October-November
2017 – Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Israel, February-March
2008 – Geographisches Institut , Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel , Germany, study stay in Erasmus programme, 6 months
Member of Czech Geographic Society since 2005
Member of Faculty Senate (Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague) 2007-2009
Member of EGEA Praha