Připojte se k UNREAD, společnému kurzu 4EU+ o Urban Regulations a Political Memory!
Výzva k podávání přihlášek! Přihlásit se mohou studenti geografie, historie, práva a dalších příbuzných oborů všech stupňů studia.
Popis kurzu:
“Urban Regulations and Political Memory: Towards Understanding Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Urban Development” is an international, interdisciplinary course organised by five 4EU+ member universities: University of Warsaw, University of Milan, Charles University, Sorbonne University, Heidelberg University as part of the 4EU+ joint educational offer during the academic year 2024/2025. Key topics of the course are the driving forces of urban changes, development of smart cities and interdisciplinary methodologies of urban studies. The course is developed as part of an educational project which addresses changes in the conditions of the urban development of smart cities in Poland, Italy, Czechia and Germany, according to three dimensions: past (history), present (law) and future (geography). Emphasis is put on integrated and interdisciplinary approach in order to help students understand the complexity of new urban centres in which real estate development must coexist with the protection of the environment and with the history and heritage of the local community.
- Course dates: Wednesdays afternoons, starting from 2 October 2024 (13:15-14:45 / 13:15-15:45 / 13:15-16:30).
- Language of instruction: English.
- Number of online didactic hours: around 30 (lectures and workshops).
Metody hodnocení a podmínky pro získání zápočtu:
Group work: producing an essay and delivering a presentation (each student group has to comprise participants from different universities). Essays will be presented at a face-to-face conference (2 days) held at the Charles University in Prague in March 2025. The best student essays could be published on the course communication platform / website or in co-authorship with the tutor in journals.- ECTS credits at Charles University: Faculty of Law 4, Faculty of Science 5. / ECTS credits at the University of Milan: 3. (University of Milan: history –only MA students).
- ECTS credits at the University of Warsaw: Faculty of Law 8, Faculty of History 4, Faculty of Geography 8 / ECTS credits at Heidelberg University: Faculty of Geography 8.