CATference 2022 v Budapešti
Zúčastnili jsme se 9. mezinárodní konference Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States (CATference). Budapešťská CATference se konala v kampusu Univerzity Eötvös Loránd na nábřeží Dunaje a po ní následovala dvoudenní postkonferenční exkurze.
Podíleli jsme se na následujících příspěvcích:
- Nina Dvořáková: Prague suburbs – History and present
- Slavomíra Ferenčuhová, Marie Horňáková, Jana Kočková: “It depends on how much coronavirus there is at the moment…” – Residents’ perspective on the large housing estates (LHEs) during the covid-19 pandemics in three Czech cities
- Pavel Frydrych: Changes in children’s rhythms of everyday life during the COVID-19 pandemic in a small town in the Prague metropolitan area
- Niloufar Ghafouriazar & Dilnoza Tasheva: Revisiting residential satisfaction in a post-socialist city – the case of Prague, Czech Republic
- Kadi Kalm, Petra Špačková, Jan Sýkora, Ondřej Špaček: Housing estates’ trajectories in post-socialist countries – Similarities and differences of Estonian and Czech cities
- Adam Klsák: Ethnic turns of one capital – The non-Czech population of Prague in its modern history
- Jiří Nemeškal & Martin Ouředníček: Disruption of long-term commuting development – the impact of covid-19 on the daily mobility in the Czech Republic and Prague
- Adela Petrovic & Martin Ouředníček: Changes in the socio-demographic composition and potential gentrification in formerly working-class neighbourhoods of Prague
- Jan Sýkora, Marie Horňáková, Kirsten Visser, Gideon Bolt: ‘It is natural’ – Sustained place attachment of long-term residents in a gentrifying Prague neighbourhood