Mgr. Marie Sýkora Horňáková Ph.D.

Faculty of Science
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
Legerova 5, room 325
Bachelor’s degree (Bc.): Demography and Social Geography, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science (2014)
Master’s degree (Mgr.): Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science (2017)
Doctoral’s degree (PhD): Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science (2023)
Project Team Leader
Project Participant
Web of Science and Scopus
Chapters in books
Popularization articles
Classification work
Other publications
June 2024, CZ, Brno, 9. brněnská konference urbánních studií, paper: Na pohybu záleží: Podobnosti a rozdíly ve vnímání rezidenčního prostředí v průběhu života (Marie Horňáková, Jan Sýkora, Pavel Frydrych)
June 2023, Poland, Lodz, ENHR Urban regeneration: shines and shadows, paper: The long and short-term transformations of housing estates: residents’ perspectives (Slávka Ferenčuhová, Marie Horňáková, Jana Kočková, Petra Špačková)
August 2022, Barcelona, Spain, ENHR The struggle for the right to housing, paper: From childhood to old age: Life-course differences and similarities in the perception of residential environment (Pavel Frydrych, Marie Horňáková, Jan Sýkora)
June/July 2022, Budapest, Hungary, CATference
- Paper: ‘It is natural’ – Sustained place attachment of long-term residents in a gentrifying Prague neighbourhood (Jan Sýkora, Marie Horňáková, Kirsten Visser, Gideon Bolt)
- Paper: “It depends on how much coronavirus there is at the moment…” – Residents’ perspective on the large housing estates (LHEs) during the covid-19 pandemics in three Czech cities (Slavomíra Ferenčuhová, Marie Horňáková, Jana Kočková)
May 2022, Brno, CZ, 8. brněnská konference urbánních studií, paper: Dlouhodobé a krátkodobé proměny sídlišť z perspektivy jejich rezidentů (Slavomíra Ferenčuhová, Marie Horňáková, Jana Kočková, Petra Špačková)
August/September 2021, ENHR Unsettled Settlements: Housing in Unstable Contexts, paper: ‘It is natural’: life course as a key element of long-term residents’ place attachment in a gentrifying Prague neighbourhood (Jan Sýkora, Marie Horňáková)
June 2021, Online conference of the Czech Sociological Association (CSA), paper: Searching for New Housing: The Struggles and Strategies of Young Middle Class Families Living in the Prague Metropolitan Area. (Marie Horňáková, Petra Špačková)
February 2021, Online workshop ENHR Housing, Migration and Family Dynamics, paper: Searching for New Housing: The Struggles and Strategies of Young Middle Class Families Living in the Prague Metropolitan Area. (Marie Horňáková, Petra Špačková)
21.-22. 11. 2019, Brno, CZ: 7. brněnská konference urbánních studií – Města budoucnosti, paper: Moving away from the suburbs? Residential strategies of the first suburbanites. (Nina Dvořáková, Marie Horňáková)
25.-29. 9. 2019, Belgrade, Serbia: CAT-ference 2019: 8th International Urban Geographies of Post-communist States Conference.
Paper: Residential mobility of young families in the Prague Metropolitan Area. (Marie Horňáková, Jan Sýkora).
Paper: Moving away from the suburbs? Residential strategies of empty-nesters. (Nina Dvořáková, Marie Horňáková)
13.-14. 9. 2019, Brno, CZ, International Student and Early Career Conference New Wave, paper: Residential mobility of young families in the Prague Metropolitan Area. (Marie Horňáková, Jan Sýkora).
28.-30. 8. 2019, Athens, Greece, ENHR Conference: Housing for the next European social model, paper: Residential mobility of young families in the Prague Metropolitan Area. (Marie Horňáková, Jan Sýkora).
25.-26. 10. 2018, RSA Student and Early Career Conference in Brighton (UK): Strategies for Career Success: Networking, Publishing and Funding, paper: Selecting a new place of residence: Cohousing as a pull factor?
4.-8. 9. 2018, Bratislava, SR; 17. kongres Slovenskej geografickej spoločnosti/24. sjezd České geografické společnosti: Geografia na vzostupe? paper: Selecting a new place of residence: Cohousing as a pull factor?
26.-29. 6. 2018, ENHR Conference in Uppsala: More together, more apart: Migration, densification, segregation. New Housing Research Colloquium, paper: Selecting a new place of residence: Cohousing as a pull factor?
24.-25. 11. 2017, (Ne)viditelná města: 6. brněnská konference urbánních studií aneb „Město v Brně po 10 letech“, Brno, paper: Význam bydliště a sociálních sítí v každodenní mobilitě žen žijících v suburbánních obcích (Nina Dvořáková, Marie Horňáková)
Erasmus+ internship – Utrecht, Netherlands – Utrecht University
Summer School – Vienna, Austria – Transformation of large Scale Housing, paper: Selecting a new place of residence: Cohousing as a pull factor?
Erasmus+ – University of Tartu, Estonia (spring 2016)
Členka České geografické společnosti od roku 2017
Členka The European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) od roku 2019