Greta Kukeli M.Sc.

Albertov 6, Praha 2 - Nové Město, 128 43
Přírodovědecká fakulta
Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje
Legerova 5, místnost 325
Research focus
I am an urban planner and my research focus is on the physical environment of suburban areas and its possible effect on the social aspects. My interest is post-socialist cities and currently, my dissertation is concentrated on Prague’s hinterland suburbs. My background involving urban planning and architecture so besides the suburban physical environment my interests include: the planning process, masterplans, urban form, settlement density, urban morphology, space syntax, sub / urban design, shrinking cities, etc. Previously, I worked on the shrinking phenomena in Albania with a specific interest in the industrial cities built in the communist period. The results of it are documented in my Master thesis “Shrinking Cities in Albania- Planning for insecurities”.
In addition to research, I have working experience as an urban planner in Albania and have participated in several national planning competitions.Work experience:
- January 2018-September 2018
Planning expert
CO-Plan Institute for Habitat Development, Albania
- October 2017-December 2017
Planning expert in the project: Realization of the General Local Plans for the municipalities of Gramsh and Belsh, Albania
Metropolis, Albania
- November 2015-December 2015
Internship “Park of Faith” (International Competition)
Metropolis, Albania
- September 2015-December 2015
Internship “Operational Plan of the municipality of Peqin, Albania”
Polis University, Albania
Awards and grants
- GAUK funded project
Understanding the relationship between the physical and social environment in the Czech suburbs
- 1st place for designing the Baywatch towers for the municipality of Vlora, Albania (Organized by the National Coastal Agency of Albania)
- Specialized Map
Changes in the buildings´ density and its connection with population in the Central Bohemia Region 2010-2018
Nositel/ka projektu
Účast na projektu
Winter Schools and Workshops
- 2021, Porto, Portugal (online)-KAEBUP 2nd International Workshop „Urban morphology and the assessment of physical change“
- 2021, Pec pod Sněžkou, Czech Republic- English for Teaching Purposes.
- 2019, Florence, Italy- 7th Winter School on Research Methodology „Urban Studies and Spatial Planning: Research Approaches and Methods“
- 2020, 4EU+ Urban Health Case Challenge, in collaboration with Gehl Architects.
- 4-6.11.2021, Prague, Czech Republic: Urban Movements and Local Politics in CEE Countries: Recent Developments and Conceptual Ambivalences. Contribution: From a former industrial neighbourhood to a creative-class oasis: A case study of Karlín, the inner-city neighbourhood of Prague (together with Adél Petrovič).
- 9-11.9.2021, Novi Sad, Serbia: The 5th Serbian Congress of Geographers. Contribution: From a former industrial neighbourhood to a creative-class oasis: A case study of Karlín, the inner-city neighbourhood of Prague (together with Adél Petrovič).
- 14-16.7.2021, Antwerp, Belgium (online): RC21 Conference; Sensing the City | Place, People, Power. Contribution: From a former industrial neighbourhood to a creative-class oasis: A case study of Karlín, the inner-city neighbourhood of Prague (together with Adél Petrovič).
- 21.7.2021, Bergen, Norway (online):1st International Space Syntax PhD Conference. Contribution: Swinging between the “medieval” and “western” characteristics. What can Space Syntax tell on how we construct our suburbs. The case of Prague’s hinterlands.
- 25.-29. 9. 2019, Belgrade, Serbia: CAT-ference 2019: 8th International Urban Geographies of Post-communist States Conference. Contribution: The diversification of suburban growth models within the Prague Urban Region (together with Martin Ouředníček)
- 15.-18. 5. 2019: Galway, Ireland: 7th Congress on the Geography of Europe (EUGEO) – Re-imagining Europe’s future Society and Landscape. Contribution: Typologies of the suburban morphologies in Prague’s hinterlands (together with Martin Ouředníček, Zuzana Kopecká and Adam Klsák)
- 2017, Turin, Italy: Territorial Governance and Spatial Planning in the Western Balkan Region. Contribution: “Shrinking Cities in Albania” (Master thesis topic)
- 16-17.02.2018 Milan, Italy: Feltrinelli Camp: An international workshop for young European researchers and practitioners in the field of Urban Studies. Contribution: “Artificial industrial cities and the shrinkage phenomena in Albania”
- 2016, Tirana, Albania: Students Scientific Conference-Polis University. Contribution: “Migration and its effect on the remote cities of Albania”